they are getting ready to replace the current GB with CGI
Then the hipsters would decry the lack of practical effects 🙄 😁
they are getting ready to replace the current GB with CGI
Then the hipsters would decry the lack of practical effects 🙄 😁
my roommate bought a new dell laptop, operated by windows 10. in the three weeks he's had it, it's online then goes offline (and this repeatedly): when he goes from one e-mail to another, when he engages in a financial transaction, when he opens a new webpage, etc.
he does the basic rebooting, as prescribed in the article whose link is attached.
his pc and my older dell and apple powerbook are all on wifi.
Windows 10 (a certain version) has a known issue connecting to internet. I recently bought a Windows 10 laptop that wouldn't connect. However I followed the instructions on the following page which fixed it right away.
let’s say that you haven’t been around a kingdom hall in years and everyone knows you are not a “true believer “ anymore.
yet a tragedy strikes and you want to give a real heartfelt expression of your feelings— what would you say?
would you acknowledge the resurrection hope that the witnesses entertain or say something very different?.
If you're a non-denominational Christian like myself, you could always agree with vague statements about the resurrection, but not not say anything about the paradise Earth.
remini said that she was warned of the jehovah’s witnesses that 'these f----rs are super powerful,' but is not one to cower in fear.. 'are you ready for my response?
'i don’t give a s--- about powerful.
Please God let this happen 🙏
i was raised a jw and left the organization when i was 18 years old.
many thought i left because i wanted to live a life full of drugs, sex, and rock and roll, which was not true at all.
i left because i realized that these people had no idea what they were talking about and were simply parroting what the, " society " , told them to believe.
That's me too: Spiritual but not religious. If there's one thing I agree on with Rutherford, it's that religion is a snare and a racket.
growing up a woman in the cult was pretty bleak.
most of the adult women i knew were either depressed sad women or an embarrassment to me.
i was typical kid in that regard.
My Mom took off one of her slippers and balanced it on her head and sent my sister into the kitchen to grab a clean dish towel.
Mom thought she was supposed to win Dad over with her "fine" conduct. There was his wife and 4 kids all staring at him as if he were some intruder. My Dad, with a WTF look on his face, rolled his eyes and walked off.
What a fine witnes was given!
growing up a woman in the cult was pretty bleak.
most of the adult women i knew were either depressed sad women or an embarrassment to me.
i was typical kid in that regard.
Like St George of England said, sisters are only required to do that around a baptised male, or their own husband whether or not he's baptized. As for the Kleenex, yes it's ridiculous. Personally I've seen it done with napkins and open magazines. My mother had a scarf collection thankfully for such occasions, and she would even openly deride anyone that used something silly as a head covering, and refused to do it herself.
nicolas king frequently sings with the watchtower chorus and had a supporting role in the dvd released at the 2014 convention.
(he's on the bottom row, second from the right.).
but he also is a jazz singer, traveling constantly performing at concerts, casinos, charity events, even a brief appearance on the tonight show.
Everybody saw him at the Annual Meeting if they came early . . . He was back with the chorus singing the new dedication song on the video at the beginning 😅
for a rundown on who nicolas king is, see this thread:.
anyways, he made the following comment on his facebook a year ago, i just noticed:.
For a rundown on who Nicolas King is, see this thread:
Anyways, he made the following comment on his Facebook a year ago, I just noticed:
Also, one of the replies he made in the comments section shows that it was related to his being a JW:
if you went to it, (or go later this week) how was it handled?
just the video or some commentary too?.
i have heard of a few negative comments from some that attended - one jw even openly said to me "not very encouraging, all they go on about is money lately" and another (a serving elder, no less) said "someone's got to pay for all those lawsuits".
one jw even openly said to me "not very encouraging, all they go on about is money lately" and another (a serving elder, no less) said "someone's got to pay for all those lawsuits"
Wow I wish I was in your congregation